Continuing Their Otherworldly Mission...
Return to Roswell showcases alien figures and a light-up UFO display!
Continuing Their Otherworldly Mission...
Return to Roswell showcases alien figures and a light-up UFO display!
It's been 75 years since the "Roswell Incident," and a new group of aliens has returned to find lost friends and continue researching the human race.
Every inch of each issue features out-of-this-world artistry
- Delight in each character's unique story and personality
- Expert hand-painting brings the captivating 3-1/2" artist's resin figures to life
- UFO display is nearly 14" tall, featuring shelves to show off your crew and LED lights for an unearthly glow
- Each issue includes a "newspaper article" detailing their extraterrestrial endeavors
Hand-painted, sculpted alien figures honor the 75th anniversary of the "Roswell Incident." Includes a lighted UFO display and "newspaper" story cards.
Figures measure 3-1/2" H; display measures approximately 12-3/4" W x 14" H x 4-3/4 D
It's been 75 years since the "Roswell Incident," and a new group of aliens has returned to find lost friends and continue researching the human race.
Every inch of each issue features out-of-this-world artistry
- Delight in each character's unique story and personality
- Expert hand-painting brings the captivating 3-1/2" artist's resin figures to life
- UFO display is nearly 14" tall, featuring shelves to show off your crew and LED lights for an unearthly glow
- Each issue includes a "newspaper article" detailing their extraterrestrial endeavors
Hand-painted, sculpted alien figures honor the 75th anniversary of the "Roswell Incident." Includes a lighted UFO display and "newspaper" story cards.
Figures measure 3-1/2" H; display measures approximately 12-3/4" W x 14" H x 4-3/4 D
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Item no:
Miniature Alien Figure Collection With Light-Up UFO Display
Miniature alien figures include their own stories and light-up UFO display. An impressive addition to your alien decor!
Miniature Alien Figure Collection With Light-Up UFO Display
Hand-painted, sculpted alien figures honor the 75th anniversary of the "Roswell Incident." Includes a lighted UFO display and "newspaper" story cards.
Figures measure 3-1/2" H; display measures approximately 12-3/4" W x 14" H x 4-3/4 D
Item no: 914253
©2022 The Ashton-Drake Galleries