Continuing Their Otherworldly Mission...

Return to Roswell showcases alien figures and a light-up UFO display!

Miniature Alien Figure Collection With Light-Up UFO Display

Item no: 914253

Continuing Their Otherworldly Mission...

Return to Roswell showcases alien figures and a light-up UFO display!

Key Features

It's been 75 years since the "Roswell Incident," and a new group of aliens has returned to find lost friends and continue researching the human race.

Every inch of each issue features out-of-this-world artistry

Every inch of each issue features out-of-this-world artistry

  • Delight in each character's unique story and personality
  • Expert hand-painting brings the captivating 3-1/2" artist's resin figures to life
  • UFO display is nearly 14" tall, featuring shelves to show off your crew and LED lights for an unearthly glow
  • Each issue includes a "newspaper article" detailing their extraterrestrial endeavors
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Return To Roswell Alien Figure Collection
Miniature Alien Figure Collection With Light-Up UFO Display

Hand-painted, sculpted alien figures honor the 75th anniversary of the "Roswell Incident." Includes a lighted UFO display and "newspaper" story cards.

Figures measure 3-1/2" H; display measures approximately 12-3/4" W x 14" H x 4-3/4 D

Key Features

It's been 75 years since the "Roswell Incident," and a new group of aliens has returned to find lost friends and continue researching the human race.

Every inch of each issue features out-of-this-world artistry

Every inch of each issue features out-of-this-world artistry

  • Delight in each character's unique story and personality
  • Expert hand-painting brings the captivating 3-1/2" artist's resin figures to life
  • UFO display is nearly 14" tall, featuring shelves to show off your crew and LED lights for an unearthly glow
  • Each issue includes a "newspaper article" detailing their extraterrestrial endeavors
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Return To Roswell Alien Figure Collection

Hand-painted, sculpted alien figures honor the 75th anniversary of the "Roswell Incident." Includes a lighted UFO display and "newspaper" story cards.

Figures measure 3-1/2" H; display measures approximately 12-3/4" W x 14" H x 4-3/4 D

Description Description

In July of 1947, a Roswell, New Mexico newspaper article reported that an unidentified "flying saucer" (and its alien inhabitants!) had crashed in the nearby desert. At first the U.S. military confirmed the events, but then quickly retracted their statement. Now, for the 75th anniversary of the "Roswell Incident", a saucer has returned to the scene piloted by a new crew of alien researchers from all parts of the galaxy. Our miniature alien figures were sent to hide evidence of the original crash, find their lost friends and continue researching the human race. Introducing the Return to Roswell Alien Figure Collection, available only from Ashton-Drake. This collection begins with Issue One, Quasar and Pulsar. Soon, your collection will continue with Issue Two, two more miniature alien figures, Issue Three, illuminated UFO display and additional sets of two alien figures with story cards. Each issue will arrive separately.‡

Each issue in this collection features a pair of highly expressive aliens tirelessly working together to carry out their mission. Expertly sculpted and crafted of artist's resin, these three and a half-inch high, intricately detailed aliens are hand-painted in colorful tones to capture their unique personalities and extraterrestrial looks. To learn more about their mysterious missions, each set of aliens comes with a "newspaper article" telling their stories. First to arrive will be "Quasar and Pulsar", two aliens paired up to locate any remaining ship parts (with help from that initial newspaper!) and then bury them before they can be discovered. And to show off your new crew, a crash-landed resin UFO arrives as Issue Three with display shelves and built-in LED lighting to illuminate each alien researcher. This collection adds an exciting touch of alien decor to your home, soon to be these visitor's new favorite place on earth. Strong demand is expected, so don't miss out. Order now!

Fine adult collectible, not intended for children under 14.

Features Features

This exclusive collection of miniature alien figures from Ashton-Drake features:
  • Discover an unidentified flying saucer and its alien inhabitants on a mission with this Return to Roswell Alien Figure Collection, available only from Ashton-Drake
  • Arriving in sets of 2 miniature alien figures, each pair has been sent to earth to work together as they carry out their different missions in honor of the 75th anniversary of the "Roswell Incident"
  • Each alien in this collection is expertly sculpted, crafted of artist's resin and then painted by hand in vibrant, extraterrestrial tones
  • Issue One introduces you to "Quasar and Pulsar" who are paired up to locate any remaining ship parts and then bury them before they can be discovered
  • Display lights up! The resin UFO display arriving as Issue Three features display shelves to showcase your alien crew and built-in LED lighting to cast an eerie glow on your alien decor
  • Each issue in this collection includes a "newspaper" story card to explore each alien's mission and their unique personalities
  • UFO display requires 3 "AAA" batteries (not included)
  • Certificate of Authenticity
  • Figures measure 3-1/2" H; 8.9 cm H; display measures approximately 12-3/4" W x 14" H x 4-3/4 D; 32.4 cm W x 34.9 cm H x 12.1 cm D

Subscription Subscription

Ordering a Collection by Subscription Plan is for Smart Collectors:
  • Reserves the entire collectible Return to Roswell Alien Figure Collection from Ashton-Drake in your name so you never risk an increase on the price of other collectibles in this collection, or miss a single issue of this collection
  • ‡Each issue will be shipped to you for your review, about one every month or two (pending availability), at the same low issue price and charged to the credit card on which your order was placed. No need to order each one separately
  • You may cancel your collection at any time with no obligation
  • "Issue One - Quasar and Pulsar," will be followed by "Issue Two - two more miniature alien figures," "Issue Three - UFO Display" and additional sets of 2 miniature alien figures as they become available

Item no:

Miniature Alien Figure Collection With Light-Up UFO Display
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Miniature Alien Figure Collection With Light-Up UFO Display

Miniature alien figures include their own stories and light-up UFO display. An impressive addition to your alien decor!

Miniature Alien Figure Collection With Light-Up UFO Display

Return To Roswell Alien Figure Collection

Hand-painted, sculpted alien figures honor the 75th anniversary of the "Roswell Incident." Includes a lighted UFO display and "newspaper" story cards.

Figures measure 3-1/2" H; display measures approximately 12-3/4" W x 14" H x 4-3/4 D

Item no: 914253